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Z moto is specializeds in LED lighting system. Our LED emergency warning lights are the best performing, best looking lights available anywhere in the world. Founded in April 2000 as an optical engineering consulting firm, with its great team of engineers and an experienced staff from the manufacturing field Z moto has become an innovator in LED lighting. Our technologically superior patented optical system surpasses all others in quality and brightness. Customers recognize Z moto by our quality, customer service and innovation, which gives us the advantage to stay one step ahead of the competition. Our steady growth is the result of the solid foundation we developed by consulting with the end users in the industry, so that our engineers and designers can produce a product that is superior to all others. Z moto has committed its future to innovation and excellence in quality with strong emphasis on customer satisfaction that is acknowledged by all our customers.
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1.門市開業多年.並加入聯鎖品牌WHY AND 1/2童裝行列.以目前少子化的年代.尤其是年輕一代的父母們.求質求精的要求下.有品牌的童裝將是未來趨勢. 我門的宗旨: 1.讓顧客看見我們的品牌有幸福的感覺 2.讓顧客到店裡來消費是一種享受 3.讓員工在門市工作是一種快樂
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